silent running is a perk i personally want to capitalize on as early as possible. the scrounger perk is invaluable for energy weapon users the intelligence implant, afaik does not raise your number of available skill points, so you might think of using that money on different things/a different implant The 2% loss in crit chance can be easily compensated by taking the built to destroy trait just constantly bet on a certain number, it won't take you more than 10 attempts to get your hit, and then you'll get 35x your bet 8 LCK is more than enough to get kicked from the casinos fast. it allows you to save 10 skillpoints each in skills like lockpick, medicine, science, speech, and barter, due to the magazines doubled boost. for those who are willing to get all skill books, comprehension is vastly superior to education. also, its VATS range is quite a bit better than that of this machine, for example up to a deathclaw, it kills everything in one shot, basically reducing its effective AP cost to 13. the gobi in my opinion is the best VATS weapon for a high crit build up, once you got GRS. setting CHR to 1 may work, but personally, i'd never do it. Couple of comments, based on my experiences on normal, hardcoe mode